
Canobie Coaster 32K Live Stream Q&A

Thank you for the support and for the channel reaching 32,000 subscribers. I am holding a live stream to celebrate. Feel free to ask me anything coaster or anything non-coaster related. I’ll probably stream for roughly an hour.

Hello everyone um just as usual let me know if you can hear me um I’m assuming the audio is okay the visual looks good in my end um welcome to the 32,000 subscriber uh Q&A so as as always feel free to ask me anything you want um you

I know typically it’s amus Park related but it can be um anything that you’d like so um yeah feel free to start shooting off questions I will try to get to as many as I can um if there are some repeats I may skip over them just in the interest of time

And be able to get everything but um I’ll try my best so hello Jonathan Davis hello Travis Burke hello James Fletcher hello Judah hello Cat hello intimate Fanboy and okay hello Hershey Park hotspot hello toast likes coasters hello Thrills of Coldplay sorry if I butcher this name uh

GLE Jeff uh what’s your favorite Six Flags park for me it’s definitely Fiesta Texas um you know they have an amazing uh top two with the two harm C’s and then the theming presentation of an atmosphere of that Park beats the others in the chain hello coaster

Boss yeah I originally wasn’t going to have a a stream at this time but with the football game getting postponed till tomorrow with the snow I figured it would be a good time to do it because I think it’s works better for a lot of different time zones um rather than why

I do one at night uh Oregon coaster Enthusiast curious when your updated top 100 is coming out um probably March I plan to get some like uh top videos up that lead up to that such as like top Six Flags coasters and stuff like that and then

The top coasters for 2023 will be the culmination of all those lists hello rides and Realms hello Alexander walks um Judah Orum how do you feel about a new ride going to Discovery Kingdom in what ride I’ve always said they could use a drop tower I know they

Have a 15ot height limit but in armm Larson drop tower fit in perfectly santron coasters do you ski or snowboard I’ve tried each one once and um wasn’t particularly good at either of them so haven’t gone back since uh Jacob baskets there’s snow in Virginia right now yeah um we had snow

In this area earlier this week but it has melted at this point uh toast like coasters what amusing parks are you plan to visit in 2024 I plan to go back to the Orlando area obviously the local parks near me um I’m also going to go to Europe at

Some point this summer just the exact parks and times are not finalized um hello FY coasters uh Brian Sanchez do you think we’ll ever see a giga siiz Woody or hybrid coaster or no um I I don’t think we’ll see a gigas siiz Woody in light of how some of the

Big Woodies have um held up from a maintenance standpoint but maybe we could see a hybrid go that tall because RMC is you know pretty ambitious and um yeah we’ll see what happens uh coaster boss how’ the Lions make the playoffs I was root for bad teams I mean their offense is really

Exciting and uh Dan Campbell’s been uh seems like a pretty good head coach uh the quackin coaster Channel how cold is it near you it’s hovering zero where I live uh it’s actually not that cold near me I think it’s like 40 deg today um I think it’s going to get colder

Later this week though uh T ten tenu do you think Cedar Point will ever get a modern Woody like a GCI or gravity group I can definitely see a GCI going there because uh Cedar Fair seems like working with them rides and Realms you’re going to

Europa Park for the first time at the end of March what do you think the odds are that Voltron will open uh so I know the park was originally shooting for that to be open on opening day they’ve since said may get postponed till April I know they’re trying their best to get

Ready for opening day um I know it’s been testing so hopefully it’s ready I just know it’s a pretty complex ride uh Cyclone Hunter which of the three major Pro slide raft slides your favorite the large funnel the mini funnel or the wave uh I might cheat here

And say they’re water coasters that use large their water coasters that use large such as Mammoth or um Falcon Fage uh inent Fanboy death roll or Gotham stall I have to go with the Gotham stall that thing had insane hang time especially the air time going out of it was

Cool uh coaster gamer 45 how do you feel about the new world’s fastest coaster uh Falcon flight looks like an amazing ride especially with that setting um it’ll just be really interesting how the forces of that ride come out because you know nothing of that scale has been built

Before uh Jacob baskets do you know about coaster x uh not quite sure what you’re talking about if you could just give some clarification I can probably answer that uh Alexander walks what coaster do you think notot should get and what do you think knots will get I have to think

They’ll get a B&M hyper or Giga at some point just because that Park could use it from a capacity standpoint B&M loves a sear Fair loves working with B&M and that Park really needs a ride like that um just I don’t know how big it’ll be depending upon what they can get approved

Uh Thrills of cold you’re planning going to Six Flag Great America this summer um I mean I as long as the weather stays good because of Illinois is weird with storms so I’ve been to that Park on days with rain and they’re usually pretty good about staying open

Running the coasters um max force can’t run the rain but that’s not the Park’s fault that’s the ride um and if you go in one of those days the crowd should be pretty light so um it can ultimately help out Brandon sing best BM hyper H Shambala the airtime and setting does it

For me Oregon coaster Enthusiast you’re plan on visiting Japan theme park to two your friends this summer are there any must visits between Tokyo Disney Universal Fuji q and nagashima um if you’re in Tokyo I’d say Tokyo Dome City just because it’s pretty easy to get to can be a quick pit stop

And um Thunder Dolphins a really unique ride being basically like a an Urban Terrain coaster uh coaster boss thoughts on indoor wooden coaster well I’ve been on one of those in undergrounded Adventure Land and it’s very very loud um I prefer indoor steel coasters uh Raptor will 59 do you think

RMC will come in retrack Outlaw Run with ibox I would not be surprised if that happens long term in the future um but Outlaw Run is seems like it’s holding up much better than lightning rod uh DJ dog five hipop tap jazz club are you a member of Ace or any other

Coaster club uh I am a member of ace. um and I have been to some of the local New England events like I usually try to go to the lake compounds one to get night rodes and boulder dash in the summer um yeah those are the and I’ve been to I

Think the Fun Town one before too Inman Fanboy Pantheon or Taran I prefer Pantheon uh James Fletcher would you rather ride an SLC backwards or Marathon a spinning Mouse uh for me it depends which SLC it is if it’s great nor Easter I’ll pick that one but if it’s a normal one I’ll

Pick marathoning the spinning Mouse because I do like those RADS hello Eric Thomasson Jacob basket search up his channel oh okay X coaster yeah I think I’ve used his POV for um pie playance coaster and I like how he makes him non-copyright Judah omam do you think

Woodies will fall off anytime soon um I think Woodies will still be made um just I think parks are going to be a little more uh thinking about the maintenance uh long term by using like steel support structures and things of that nature um FY coasters why do you skip my

Question uh I’m not sure which question so I saw there was a question that was hidden if it was um already said that’s why it might have been hidden sorry if it was otherwise um red dragon defun coaster you wish you could have been on Eagle’s Fortress just because that looked like

The best suspended by far with that setting and swing uh G Jeff what new coaster do you think Magic Mountain should get I mean I would love to see them get a giga um I don’t see that happening I’m honestly not sure what they’d get um maybe an axis would

Be good for them because it would be truly unique um but we’ll see what they end up doing uh mes lucky I have ridden mind blower with the new RMC track um I think it makes it better than it was last time I wrote it um just because those sections are smooth now

But it’s pretty jarring when you go from the smooth turns to the bumpy sections again I still think mindblower opening year was best because it was tolerable the whole way through but the RMC track definitely made mindblower better than it had been and I’m interested to see if more gets

Added uh charged on PC which coasters are open at Bush Gardens Williamsburg in January so they do a rotation uh in the offseason of having like maybe four or five major Coasters open at a time uh you have to check the website to see which ones are available at any given

Time um because I know in the past theyve had like alpen gist available at this time but other years they don’t so um definitely look it up low civilian satellite uh inpin Fanboy which Cedar Fair Park do you think needs RMC the most or will get one

Next so I think the park that could use it most is Michigan’s Adventure but I think it’s unlikely they get one um I think of the parks that uh don’t have one that could get one Kings Island would be a good fit for one just I don’t know if Cedar Fair

Wants to work with RMC again hello ban H sorry hello Brian Barbara uh Thrills of Coldplay do you think it’s interesting Great Adventure as the parachute jump Tower still up I imagine it’s um for cost perspective because it would be pretty hard to knock that down with where it is um and it’s

It looks fine in the skyline in my opinion uh bad hard desire what cameras do you use uh I use a GoPro 10 for povs and I use a I used to use a Canon g7x for off-ride but that camera broke I now use a

Sony I forget the exact name of it a Sony Z something it’s a um it’s a DSLR camera actually no not a DSLR sorry a point and shoot camera that fits in my pocket so it’s pretty portable uh Raptor will 59 do you think Silver Dollar City will get a next uh

I’m not sure if they will but I’d love to see one there um rides and Realms do you think Alton Towers project Horizon is going to be an indoor RC wild moose um I’m not sure what that project’s gonna be because Alton Towers can keep that a little secretive for now

I know they did hint about that RMC thing in the past I’m not sure if they’re just trolling coaster enthusiasts um but the fact they’re doing something like fire in the home um is pretty interesting that could tie back to project Horizon in some way Kat Ashworth what do you think will

Be the headline ride for Universal Great Britain um it’s hard to say because I’ve heard some rumors they want everything to be different than the Orlando Parks so that way um you know there’s incentive to go to both I would love to see flying dinosaur get over there uh 10U favorite restraints you

Like the ones of being hypers I do love BM hyper restraints um buzz bars are some of my favorites just because of the freedom they give um so I kind of like the restraints that are less restraints because you have more uh room uh Hershey Park Hotpot what coaster

Type should Hershey Park get next um I think they could use another family coaster based off of how long those lines can get on busy days something like um most like gersau family coasters would be a really nice fit for them uh Judah Oram you’re taking a trip

To the East Coast for the second time this summer you have the budget for two parks you went to Great Adventure in American dream and this year you’re going to Hershey Park what park should you go to if you’re able to get to Bush Gardens Williamsburg I’d say that that’s

My favorite park that’s in the um I guess it’s halfway down the East Coast but it’s my favorite Park in the east coast um outside of like Islands of Adventure uh Oregon coaster Enthusiast when was the last time I rode lightning rod um I rode it last

Spring um I would like to get back there this year at the chain lift um but I’m not sure if it it’s going to happen this year uh inin Fanboy how’s the intensity of uh spinning of tornado at B and compare to a ride like ride to happiness

Or time traveler so tornado has an absolutely crazy first drop that whips you like no other um the rest of the ride layout isn’t super wild it’s more so how quickly you spin uh whereas ride to happiness and time traveler have the far Wilder ride elements as a whole

Brandon saying bestian best B&M dive I have to go with Yukon Striker the layout is more complete with those inversions uh Jacob baskets uh a lot of people disagree but I think Nitro is the best hyper coaster so I disagree with Nitro being the best hyper coaster but it is a good ride

Especially with that setting uh Stenner matches as a European which US state would you recommend as a firsttime visit uh I would say either Florida or California because the sheer quantity of good parks there uh Roxy Reyes hey canopy I just went to Over Texas yesterday and shocking enough

Shock wve is an entirely new modern logo do you think we’re on our way to a riddler mind Bender treatment um well I think the new logo might be separate from the work that ride may have to get in the future so I am worried that Ry is going to have to

Get some sort of new trains just like we saw with um magic mountains Revolution and Riddler mind vender and um I just hope it still runs as wild as it is now um charge on PC what coaster model would you have picked for Kings Dominion in 2025 I personally would picked a mock

Extreme spinner because I think that would have made the Enthusiast happy getting a ride that wild um in the spot of volcano and it would have been a unique ride for the area and also cfir likes working with too um sorry I lost okay uh Alexander walks 27 what do

You think will be the next coaster in Vegas um I wouldn’t be surprised if the Adventure Dome had some sort of like kitty coaster there but I don’t see the next one being anything too too big intimate Fanboy do you prefer do you prefer Voyage with or without trims uh

Without trims but for me the experience doesn’t vary too much with or without trims for me it’s I I care most about getting night rods in that coaster uh Dawson’s memes you like my calming voice glad you like the voice because that’s the voice I have so

That’s how you know what it’s going to be uh Menace lucky do you think an a Fun Spot park would ever get an RMC Raptor it’s definitely possible because they seem like working with RMC uh charge on PC if you have a Sony Z v1f you should post your off- rides in

4k um so the the tricky part with that is the um the program I use to make my videos can only export in uh 1080 HD that’s why you notice my GoPro stuff comes out in 4k but if I have to edit stuff for offr it goes out 1080

HD um I’ll have to look if the raw files for that come out as 4K or not um like I said I don’t remember which model I have off the top of my head uh Jacob baskets would you rather go to Cedar Point or Island of Adventure

Uh it depends if you’re in the mood for coasters or like a themed Thrill Park because both are amazing uh theme park motivation love what you do Mike let me know when you come to hery park I’ll have tickets for you thank you for the offer um I’ve been

Hershey Park season passholder um so I haven’t needed to take you up on that offer before but I’ll definitely keep that in mind if there’s a year where I’m not but so thank you uh Raptor will 59 if Cedar Fair was willing to buy something for worlds of

What do you think it could be I want a timberwolf RMC yeah Timberwolf RMC would be nice because that ride um is um it’s a little underwhelming as is uh but I know they have done some track work on it so I’m not sure if they’re going

To uh trap ostrich do you play plant coaster I have I haven’t played in a while though uh Jacob baskets first Park you went to uh uh I believe it probably would have been Santa’s Village but I don’t know for sure I know my first coaster was um

Rudy’s Rapid Transit I just don’t know if I technically had been in another Park before that actually it might have been King’s Castle land at um in Massachusetts the defunct Park but I don’t know for sure um wackin coaster Channel pick for who makes the Super Bowl this year Um I mean the Ravens are playing pretty good right now um yeah I feel like the NFC is going to be a bit more of a blood bath because of how those teams are there my guess would be I know we’ve seen him in the Super

Bowl a few times I’m I’m almost leaning towards Chiefs 49ers because the Chiefs defense looks pretty darn good right now uh Alexander walks what do you think a Ghost Rider RMC would look like uh um I haven’t really thought about that because I don’t think Ghost Rider’s Ever

Getting rced because it’s running like a dream right now Brandon saying Kings Island or Cedar Point I much prefer Cedar Point but Kings Island’s a great Park too Stanford Bridge did you enjoy the hang time of the spike of Cobra conand uh yes I did um that was pretty good I know they’ve

Changed the spikes since I was last there though Inman Fanboy I’ve have not done NE sorry if I butcher this name uh neph second I have not been to Turkey uh Michael James will Great Escape have to double down new coasters in a short time based on Steam and Demon and flash

Back not being so great so I think flashbacks fine that’s actually one of the smoother boomerangs uh but Steam and Demon I have to think is on its last legs uh between how rough that ride is and uh I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s getting a little harder to get some

Parts for that ride uh Michigan coasters and more if something came to Michigan’s Adventure what do you think it would be um I imagine that Park would get a rather small off-the-shelf coaster like something like a Euro Fighter would be great for that Park um Rick’s Robin any parks in the US

You have not been to that you want to get to uh the big ones for me are the D the Colorado Parks because Glennwood Caverns looks amazing with that setting and if eler scarn is closing soon I do want to get to that park at some point um toy Hamilton best defun coaster

I’ve personally ridden um I think it would be probably Dragon challenge or dueling dragons I don’t have the list in front of me but it’d be struggling to think if there’s another one uh theme park motivation thank you for the Super Chat uh would you ever consider a live stream with some other

Coaster enthusiasts maybe a coaster debate so I know I’ve been on some live streams for other YouTubers such as um um uh like I’ve been on um coaster hours I’ve been on um trying to think like I’ve been on that one so I’m happy to collaborate with others um just sometimes it’s a

Little difficult arranging with like time zones and such but I can try to look into uh doing a collab or something like that um Oregon coaster Enthusiast what are your current top five coasters in California I believe I have a video ranking them but just off the top of my

Head um Twisted Colossus X2 um Ghost Rider Joker and railblazer I might have missed one in there but those are top five if unless I’m missing one uh Kenny T what got you to become a coaster Enthusiast I’ve always liked them so I don’t know it wasn’t like one

Moment that I became a coaster Enthusiast like from a young age I always remember being fascinated by them uh charged on PC what’s your favorite family coaster so so that is a difficult one to answer because it comes down what you count as a family coaster like some of the Disney

Ones and stuff um just a really good example what I love is fire chaser Express at Dollywood um intim f boy what are your thoughts on the barrel uh can you uh elaborate what you mean by the barrel do you mean like barrel roll drop or something uh Raptor will 59 what’s the

Probability of RMC boss at Six Flag St Louis I hope that happens um that Park really could use a true undoubted standout attraction that would certainly be it uh the quackin coast Channel go to Fiesta Texas in a few weeks how long of a line does Dr diabolical typically

Get so that ride actually has a single Rider line and the way they do the single Rider line for that ride is pretty weird basically they have a set number of people they allow in the pre-show and then they’ll let a few extra people in the single Rider line

Into fill in the empty seats they presume that will be there so you sort of can skip the line if you do that uh obviously there’s a chance your group might get split up but if you do that I’ve always gotten in the pre-show in less than five minutes even on a busy

Day Stanford Bridge the most special Park in Colorado is Lakeside I definitely want to get to that Park too Cyclone looks really fun pumpkin bear 111 do you think Wild Waves will ever get a new coaster I think they will get a new coaster at some point um they could

Really use a modern coaster with inversion so something like a gers Euro Fighter would be nice Michigan coasters more what would be a good starting drop tower um so I’d say like the SNS double shots are good because they’re not too tall and there’s not the anticipation of uh dropping you’re getting shot

Up Alexander walks favorite flat ride of all time um it is probably skater on the German F Fair circuit that top scan runs an absolutely insane program uh cat Ash despite how short it is I would not be surprised if hyperia comes out as my number one coaster um yeah hyperia looks absolutely

Fast-paced it does look short but the element should be amazing charge on PC where is Cosmic rewind rank at Walt Disney World it’s my favorite coaster there there are a few um non- coasters I prefer such as um Tower of Terror um rise of the resistance Splash Mountain

When it was Splash Mountain um but it’s definitely up there Jacob which state is the best theme parks in your opinion um it’s either California or Florida intim Fanboy you meant the barrel roll drops and rmc’s uh so I do like those barrel roll drops um I prefer a standard first drop

Though so I kind of like how Iron guazi did where they put that element Midway through the ride uh extreme thrs Extreme Thrill Heaven what do you think about Rob alvie from theme park review on his POV videos I mean they take great povs um very

Clear very smooth and it’s nice how they have a lot of obscure coasters uh available online H Mike met uh civilian satellite Royal Gorge in Colorado has a wicked Sky Coaster yeah that Sky Coaster looks amazing I also want to get on um what’s it called pterodactyl roller coaster time worst

Coaster you have ridden so for a long time it was well long time I say like four years coaster Express but they did retrack it so that ride went from like a zero to a one now uh I’d say blue tornado of gardland is the worst coaster

I’ve ridden at this point um it’s an SLC which means it’s rough but unlike the others this one doesn’t have the soft padding it has hard restraints so it hurts uh Menace lucky you’re going to Bush Gardens Tampa soon do you have any tips for a first-time visitor on a

Saturday uh make sure you get there early like 45 minutes before they open they tend to open Iron guazi a little before the park officially does so you get an early ride in that um it’s probably going to be busy on a Saturday so if you’re able to get quick Q it

Might help for the stuff iron guazi isn’t on the unlimited quick que though which stinks um but yeah typically iron guazi and Cheetah Hunt are the two worst lines in that Park Michigan coasters and more what’s the best Mountain coaster near Dollywood um I like anaka best that one

Is a time commitment and cost commitment because you have to take the cable car up the mountain and then ra Runners an extra cost uh but that one’s the craziest one the laterals are insane uh mosh schmeltzer is Castle Park worth a visit um it’s a small park but I’ve heard the

Many golf coures good um I the biggest thing is it’s not as good as the other parks in SoCal so I think it’s more important to prioritize those uh cadex thoughts in iperia opening in 2024 and and do I think I’ll prefer hyperia or Voltron um that’s tough I think I

Probably would prefer Voltron especially if it’s gonna have some theming during the launch sections but uh both rides look awesome safier hubard uh what do I do for work I’m a mechanical engineer uh Liam jongman what do you expect of the RMC Raptors in wallby Holland um I’m glad they’re getting some

More uh thrill coasters and especially because one’s going to be thrilling one’s going to be family if I remember correctly um you know always welcome more rmc’s Mike Mat do you think Superman six FL Magic Mountain is done for I don’t think it’s done for um they tend to

Close that ride um in the quieter periods uh like whenever I’ve gone in like January February I think Superman’s almost always been closed uh MOS smelter besides California and Florida where are some theme park trips you can do in the winter uh you can do the Texas Parks

Um uh then there’s also the option of going abroad to some of the parks that have longer hours um then you also can go to Mall of America because Nickelodeon Universe is open year round uh shock Zone I never thought about this until now but it’s pretty ironic that accelerator the Prototype I

Last of the successor and top the drags toward Cedar Point so I know accelerators has fair share of downtime I think the question is if a similar accident happened on accelerator would that ride have been you know shut down renovated sooner and I don’t know the answer to that toy Hamilton do you

Think lightning rod will still be your favorite with a chain lift it depends how quickly it takes the rest of the elements on the course honestly the thing that worries me most about this conversion is getting lighter trains because I’m worried it won’t uh have as much momentum to the end of the

Layout uh Sam saw some just want to thank you for your continuous and persistent posting uh yeah thank you I I you know enjoy making the videos so I’m glad people enjoy watching them uh Stanford Bridge favorite food at Walt Disney World um I think favorite meal as

A whole I love Bulma um it’s a good buffet with the the meat there is really good um VI anapoli has amazing pizza that’s up there uh 50s prime time I love the Fried Chicken there there’s a lot of good food at Walt Disney World uh Brandon s have you ever been to

Any water parks in California so I went to the Aquatica at SeaWorld years ago but that was before it changed over to Sesame Place um I went to Water World conquered I think it’s now a Six Flags park Hurricane Harbor but I went there was out there for an internship um

I’ve been to the water park attached to California’s Great America um have I been to any others out there I think those are the ones I’ve been to um Jacob Basquez have youever been in one of those Mazes at the Hallow the Amic parks at Halloween yeah I’ve done a

Lot of the um in the New England area for sure wackin coer channel did you think Gauntlet Magic Springs is a tolerable SLC uh so I think that one’s still not good but is better than your average SLC like instead of being a one out of 10

It’s maybe like a two or three out of 10 so it’s ridable but not a particularly good ride uh MOS schmeltzer what’s the best time of year to visit Cedar Point in terms of lines so I’ve heard Thursdays during their Halloween event are pretty good times to go in terms of crowd

Excuse me in terms of crowds uh I’ve had good luck the last week of August after Ohio kids go back to school too Oregon coaster Enthusiast you recently got back from Spain and very much agreed in your take of coaster Express you personally enjoy Bandit more I prefer Bandit too because the layout

Is better but both rides are prime RMC canid to my opinion roller coaster time what’s your favorite intimate Blitz um it’s splitting hairs between veloc coaster and Gotham City Escape I might lean towards Gotham City Escape now that I think about it more uh Maverick’s heartline rooll congrats on

32k uh Leo B do you consider Tokyo Florida and California space mountains Aero coasters or Walt um Walt Disney engineering coasters um I consider them collaborative projects between the two of them uh Sam S saw some Disney ranking favorite Big Thunder Mountain favorite Pirates favorite Hond Mansion awesome

Videos keep it up so B favorite Big Thunder easily the one in Paris because of the um underground tunnels favorite Pirates um I have not been on the Shanghai one nor have I seen a POV of that one but everyone says that’s the best one of the ones I’ve

Been on I like the Paris one because how it’s paced and favorite Haunted Mansion um I have to go with the original one uh Michigan coasters and more what park would the Wildcat 2.0 model do the the best at um I’m not I’m going to cheat in that

And I’d love to see one hit the traveling Fair circuit in the US um just because a lot of those Parks have super cyclon models from Inner Park and I think the wild cat would be a little bit better M melter what sort of videos do

You have in the pipeline I have a lot of ranking videos coming out in the next few months um to wrap up like the 20 23 rankings uh coaster mom best hotel is stay that’s closest to Bush Gardens Tampa um trying to remember which one I

Stayed at there was a Rada I stayed at that was maybe 10 minutes away that was pretty good um I think that’s the one I’ve stayed at before uh Maverick’s heartline roll thoughts on Top Thrill to I’m glad the ride is staying because it looks great

On the Cedar Point Skyline um you know that back Spike should be really cool I don’t know if it’ll be better than top thr dragster was but it should be um but it should be a you know a good a great ride still uh r roller coaster time do you

Think the wild moose model will blow up um it potentially could um yeah we’ll have to see you know when a park builds one and what the reception is Extreme Thrill Heaven do you find it annoying when Rob Albi gets excited on a roller coaster and starts yelling no I mean

Roller coasters aren’t something that you necessarily enjoy in silence they’re something that elicits screams yells and excitement from people so um you know you’re welcome to enjoy the ride however you want if the audio annoys you you can it uh Mass lucky what is your favorite defunct wood

Coaster um I don’t have the list right in front of me I could check real quick I want to say it’s probably Georgia Cyclone yeah I need to double check that real quick one second unless you count lightning rod losing its wood track um it would be Georgia Cyclone um Minnesota throws what’s the most flips you’ve gone on shell shock or any of the sky flies minus 48 so shell shock is a little harder to

Flip than some of the other ones are it’s still very easy to get a ton of flips as you’ve seen in some of my videos um I think I’ve gotten over 60 on the one at Bayon Park in Germany um shock Zone prettiest coaster you have ridden um I love how Millennium

Force looks on the skyline but there’s a lot of good ones uh coaster mom how many miles per hour how many miles per hour do you think the auto run body slash the Great Wolf LOD and Poconos goes I don’t know how fast that one goes

Sorry I don’t have a good estimate on that one uh Toy Hamilton what’s the coaster you always want to ride but you can’t ride it uh so if you’re referring to like something I’m physically not allowed to ride maybe the kitty coaster Ry Playland because it’s one of the few

Wood coasters I have not been on in the US uh I think that’s what you meant by that question uh someone that loves coers what do you think will be the next addition to luron now that graviter is gone um it’s hard to say because that Park hasn’t gotten too much investment

In recent years um an RMC Raptor would be good if you know if we don’t think RMC Le monsters happen happening hello Amusement Productions uh Brandon s favorite Giga Fury 325 um great layout great pacing great airtime uh pumpkin bear 111 how long does it take for you to make a video um

It depends on the type of video um some of the uh ranking videos can take a little longer because I have to accumulate all that footage um but it it just depends on the Video uh shock Zone with the shape of Epic Universe coming along well what are your predictions for Starfall Racers and how do you view the ride so far uh it looks like it’ll be a great ride especially with the dueling interactions um I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s my

Second favorite coaster at Universal Park after velocci coaster uh Michigan coasters and more if you have seen the POV and American Triple Loop how do you think it’ll stack up to the other Schwarz coughs so I am worried that Ry will not run as wild as it did in the past

Because of the shorter train um so I think it’ll be probably somewhere in between mind Bender at Galaxy land and Olympia looping Maverick’s heartline roll did you hit uh 1,300 coasters yet and if you didn’t what do you plan making 1,300 I don’t know what that Milestone

Will be I have not hit it yet I think I’m 10 away something like that uh toast like coers what’s your biggest mistake this happened at amusement park uh in 2006 I had two days at Kings Dominion uh we arrived Midway through the first day and it was like

Bank of America day so the park was absolutely slammed um so I had done volcano and waited two I think like two and a half hours for it and um they had Hypersonic xlc and that ride also had a two two and a half hour wait uh I

Decided to wait until Monday to do that one just because how long the line was and Hypersonic never opened on the Monday and by the time I got back there the park had ripped it out so that’s probably my biggest regret uh John Feliciano non- theme park related but what’s your favorite fast

Food chain um I really like Chick-fil-A um just because of how the service and quality of the foods consistent whackin coaster channel are you thinking about visiting Silver Dollar City for fire in the whole 2.0 this year um I don’t think I don’t have any immediate plans to get to that Park

This year I don’t think it’s happening this year but if I’m in the area I’m absolutely going there Stanford bridge if you go to the ace event Ry Playland adults are allowed in the kitty coaster I’ve heard that and I know that um it had I think an hour line ERT last year

Uh when they did that afro an airtime what editing software do you use I used uh Da Vinci resolve uh Leo B which coast have entered or left your top 10 in 2023 um so if you look at some of the reviews I think it’s pretty clear that

Um Batman Gotham City Escape made it up in there uh and ay Force One those are the two that entered my top 10 from past years uh Brandon s do you think Six Flags will sell Discovery Kingdom I don’t think they’ll sell that especially with um Great America seeming like

They’re going to close that Park is going to be a Powerhouse in that market Oregon coaster Enthusiast do you think K is still your favorite intimin uh so K is still my favorite intimin but uh Gotham City Escape is very close uh Toy Hamilton what’s your favorite B&M invert uh my favorite of

Them is oziris when it runs the winter Wheels uh when it runs faster um um outside of that it’s it it becomes closer in summer to that Nemesis and Monto uh Maverick’s heartline role if you can only pick two Florida Parks what’s your pick if you like theming a

Lot Islands of Adventure and Magic Kingdom if you um are more of a coaster Enthusiast Islands of Adventure and uh Bush Gardens Tampa uh Matia jardy you’re my favorite Coast YouTuber ever yeah thank you for the kind words um John Feliciano what’s your least favorite fast food chain or one you think is

Overrated um so I’m not a big fan of any fast food Burgers so like things like Burger King don’t really resonate with me Arby’s is disgusting though so that’s probably my top pick uh Michigan coasters and more do you think that Funspot Orlando will get one of the North American

Raptors I wouldn’t be surprised if that Park gets a raptor in the future just because of how um they seem like working with RMC and that could fit in a small plot uh Brian Barbara This is BS why I have to wait 30 seconds to do another

Chat so I have slow mode on so you have to wait 60 seconds in between a chat just because in the past I’ve typically fallen way behind in the chat and this makes it so that way they come in a little slower so I can actually get to

Everyone’s chat in a reasonable amount of time like in the past I’ve had to scroll like way down to get to everyone’s chat whereas there this time I think I’m like four or five away from the bottom so it’s helping me keep up Stanford Bridge how do you rank the

Four Walt Disney World parks uh Magic Kingdom is number one for sure Hollywood Studios two um epcon Animal Kingdom it’s neck and neck which one’s three and four for me but I probably prefer Epcot toy Hamilton most ritten coaster Superman the ride Six fages New England and I’ve

Been on that one in front of me exactly 300 times now uh cat Ashworth how are the cats uh they’re sleeping right now so they’re not in the room while I’m doing the live stream because this webcam is a little finicky where if you touch the cable while it’s recording um it will

Automatically like freeze up the stream and end it instantly because it’ll glitch YouTube um because I think the webcam disconnects which causes an error so I can’t risk having them in there right now but they’re very playful and adorable hello Corey borer uh ignosi Rogue what coaster would you add to Port Aventura

I think they could use a good smooth family coaster so something like a gers slauer family coaster like um pegas Express or fire chaser Express would be nice for them ran Barber my favorite steel Force at Dorney Park that’s my favorite at uh Dorney Park right now um even with iron

Menace opening I don’t think that’ll change but I do like Dorney Park organ coaster Enthusiast top five rmc’s uh so of the rmc’s um lightning rod steel Vengeance um then you have like a Force One untamed and uh iron guazi up there Brandon say how do you feel about

Other manufacturers making other single rails um you know I encourage manufacturers um you know leveraging some stuff other manufacturers discover if it helps make their own rods better uh John ficano first drop tower ride uh so excluding like Kitty Drop Towers like frog Hoppers it would be um star Blaster at canaby Lake

Park Maverick’s heartline roll do you think Dorney Park should get a wild moose coaster um I think that could work at a lot of parks um I know dorney’s just getting iron Menace this year so it might be a while till like get another new coaster uh J toi 12 thoughts on coaster

Stocks longevity now that the 2024 event has been cancelled um so I haven’t been following coaster stock so I didn’t know that event was canceled um I’ve never been to that event but I’ve heard good things about it uh extreme throw Heaven what type of flat ride do you see Great Adventure

Getting in the future um yeah I’m struggling to think of what they could get specifically because I’m trying to think of trends at the other Six Flags parks um um yeah I’m not quite sure to be honest um I wouldn’t be surprised if they get some sort of refresh to like the kids

Area but um especially because they renamed a junior throw Seekers but I’m not quite sure to be honest Mike Mat how cold is it by you it’s Nega five in Wisconsin right now I think it’s 40 degrees outside today so it’s not too bad Stanford bridge for which coaster do

You have the most nostalgic love for um hm like it probably is one of the ones I have like I’ve rid locally for years you know something like Yankee Cannonball or um you know I’m nostal for like polar coaster just because I Rowe that a lot as a

Kid Michigan coasters and more what coaster you think was hyped up way too much I think steel Vengeance or Raptor I do think raptor is one that’s overrated um try to think probably tan at Fantasia land just because I heard going in was one of the world’s best coasters it’s a

Very very good ride but it’s it’s not like I don’t have it anywhere near like my top 25 coasters overall uh sfg Six Flags Great America 144 what does Six Flags Great America need to make an elite Park um I would love a I mean I’d love to see RMC American

Eagle I just don’t know if that’s going to happen uh Leo B how do you deal with busy parks that don’t have single Rider lines uh so I will buy skip the line passes if they’re available and it’s needed at a park the other ways are to

Make sure you budget enough time whether it be two days or making an efficient touring plan Oregon coaster Enthusiast favorite cities for sightseeing uh I absolutely love Stockholm um Tokyo is really cool as well uh and I love San Francisco as well uh hello Bay Area fanner

24 uh Brandon s do you like NorCal yeah um San Francisco is one of my favorite cities I actually interned out that way so I got very familiar with the area uh I do like Great America um love Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Discovery Kingdom does not have the best operations but

That Park does have a good coaster lineup coaster mom yeah I have no clue what’s going on with a barn storm a ride a great adventure that ride’s taking a very long time to reassemble uh John Feliciano am I scared of heights um I’m not really bothered

Too much by Heights as Evans by done like skydiving and like jumping off the stratosphere uh Leo what’s your most ridden coaster in the world uh I answer that a little bit ago Superman the ride Six Flags New England 300 rides uh afro and air time do you think

Bush Gardens Williamsburg has a chance to get an RMC hyper hybrid because of the success of iron guazi so definitely they have a chance it’s just a question where could It Go in the Park Stanford Bridge top remaining bucket list country for coasters I think it has to be China just because

Of the sheer quantity of coasters over there I just don’t know when I’ll be getting over there Michigan coasters and more both RMC and Six Flags Great America have said that Great America is very against RMC and Eagle I wouldn’t be surprised by that given the historical nature of the

Ride but objectively that’s the thing that I think could give that Park you know a true Undisputed um you know world class coaster toy Hamilton do you think Michigan’s Adventure will be sold to another roller coaster chain I don’t think so because everything I’ve heard that Park is very profitable despite

Them not really putting too much new investment into it Maverick’s heartline role do you think Michigan’s Adventure will get a new Coaster by the year 3000 uh I would hope so Sebastian mang I’m going on a trip where are the best states for amusement theme parks uh California and Florida

Just because of how the parks are pretty close to each other uh well when I say California mean SoCal because the par s are geographically close to each other and the qu the quantity and quality of the parks is there uh ignasi Rogue do you think Universal is going to buy Port

Aventura it seems like there’s writing on the wall that’s going to happen and I wouldn’t be surprised because I used to own it uh Zam hey canopy what major park has the worst food in your experience I got food poisoning last time I at Magic Mountain never again uh so magic bone

I’ve never had um like their food is okay um probably like the worst food I can think of is the wabby parks like at wabby Belgium and WBY um Holland like I have not found any good food at those Parks um if anyone knows those Parks better

And there is good food let me know but I’ve never found anything good to eat there um Mike met what do you think about six flies Great America getting a tilt coaster from energy landia that would be a really cool addition to see come to the us um and I’d love to see

One well I know Cod land’s supposed to but I don’t know when circuit breaker is opening uh coaster mom when is Loch nness Monster supposed to reopen I don’t know I haven’t been following the exact timeline of that pror too closely Leo B which mock coaster will be the superior one

Hyperian uh both look amazing I think I might person like Voltron better because it excuse me sh have some theming but um hyperia looks like he have amazing elements electri Kong if you could move anywhere specifically for amusement or theme parks where would you move to um I think Pennsylvania is a pretty

Good answer because you’re close to the uh like New York airports which give you a lot of travel flexibility and you also have you know Pennsylvania Ohio Virginia New Jersey all right there for coasters Michigan coasters and more how much time do you think is good for Kings

Island um if you buy fast lane you can do that Park in a day it’s it’s still a very big Park if you don’t have fast land I’d say two days uh quacken coaster channel do you think worlds of funner Six Flag St Louis will be sold in the next five 10 years

Due to the merger I don’t think either those Parks will be sold I think the impact would be if they don’t consider them a top Tier Park just the investment could be limited John ficano have you ever been to Southeastern Pennsylvania yeah I’ve been to that area several times toy Hamilton favorite roller

Coaster game I think PL coaster objectively is the best coaster game but the one I play the most is Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 specifically the classic one on my phone because it’s easier just to pick up and play Maverick’s heartline role what are your thoughts on the fate of lightning

Razor Hershey Park um with Wildcat being turned into an RMC I don’t think lightning Racers going anywhere anytime soon if anything it just might need some retracking in the future Stanford Bridge what is your worst Spidey experience you’ve experienced spite you travel to a park and the destination coaster is

Closed so I mentioned um Hypersonic earlier where I had two days at the park Hypersonic was open day one but I skipped it due to a long line and it was not open day two that’s probably the most like the most spited one I’ve had um I’ve also

Had some issues with Magic Mountain and Twisted Colossus uh the first time I went there after Twisted Colossus opened I got on Twisted Colossus and then that was the day that RMC had a part recall so all the rmc’s across the country closed all of a sudden so I was

Fortunate I got on that ride like two cycles before it shut down for good for the day um and then I went back I think two years later and Twisted Colossus was L as close for the day which I was pretty angry about but it did open for

The last four hours it had a long line but it was open um I’m trying to think of any other big spite experiences I’ve had um maybe another recent one I went to Kings Domin so I was at Bush gar Williams going to Saturday this past

Summer and kings of Minion had a late close till 10 it was going to be a um a new moon meaning there was going to be no light out there so that ride would be sick at night unfortunately Intimidator 3 or five broke in the afternoon like

Four o’clock and hadn’t reopened when I got to the park at 7 um we saw it testing at 9:30 and got excited thinking oh yes we’re going to get on it but they said they were just doing test runs to get ready for the next day which kind of

Stunk but at least I’ve been on that coaster in past visits barbar Brian Barbara the Beast coaster was retract yeah Kings Island has been doing a good job doing some work in that ride uh Jade toi 12 what do you think is the next step for SeaWorld San

Diego um yeah I think that Park’s just constrained by the height limit um I think that’s a very beautiful Park and they do the best they can with the limits they’re given Zam what coaster has a good probability closing the next decade would upset you the most of it

Did I’m going to say lightning rod just because the fact they’ve had to keep trying all these different fixes and they still have to do another fix for 2024 makes me a little concerned I’m hoping this is the final thing that rise longevity is you know um safe with

This uh Maverick’s heartline role do you think that codeland will open before the second coming of Jesus yes I think kand will eventually open I just think that it’s going to be you know much longer timeline than they originally shared uh Extreme Thrill Heaven what obscure roller coaster game have you

Heard of I mean like if you remember the old PlayStation 2 game Thrillville you know I played that one before and didn’t like it uh Brandon s Wildcats Revengers Sky Rush definitely Sky rush just because it’s a more unique ride for me uh Leo B what are your most memorable Zen rodes

Um Hagrid’s magical creatures motorbike Adventure so we the first time I was at that Park after that ride opened we waited three hours for it and the last two hours of the wait was a long breakdown um eventually they it got to the point

Where a lot of people in line had to use the bathroom so they told everyone we had to get out of line as we got out of line we saw that um the ride was testing oh sorry I need to add as we got out of line they gave

Everyone an express pass to get back on the ride um and this was about four o’clock in the afternoon and the ride was um and the park was only open till 6 so as we’re walking out we see the rides testing so we just decide we’re going to

Stick around and see if it opens and it opened maybe 15 minutes later now this was probably an incredibly stupid decision but even though we were towards the front of the pack we just want to get on that ride because we knew we had so many technical issues so we used the

Express pass right there even though the ride had no line simply because we could bypass that q line and get on the ride in a minute flat um there we got on that ride so quickly we’re actually able to wait in the station for the front row

Which you never can do otherwise and we got back to the station the other people in the regular line still had not made it there um Zam what is the furthest you’ve gone out of your way to get a kitty coaster credit um I typically don’t go too far

Out of the way for Kitty coaster credits I’ll go out of the way for like a unique ride like a mountain coaster um Rick’s Robin Twisted Colossus closed on your California trip too yeah that’s unfortunate um I wish magic Mount was more transparent about you know the refurbishment calendar for that

Ride so it seems like other people have had the same issue with wbe food so I guess that’s not I’m not the only one toy Hamilton how do you feel about Sky Rush’s restraints I like how exposed they leave you it can get a little uh high pressure in your thighs but it’s

Not enough to cause legit pain for me I and I love how the lack of lateral bracing makes those turns more wild uh coaster guy my home park is Bush gar Williamsburg what are your thoughts on the park I absolutely love the park it’s one of my favorites and you think

Apollo’s Cherry is underrated um so that’s a very very good night Rod it is not as good as the later B&M hypers but it’s still a good rod Michigan coasters and more what’s the best one-off coaster model um well until it the next one opens technically the chance hyper GTX

Right now comes up to mind um I’m sure there’s some other ones that I can’t think of uh Stanford Bridge have you ever been have you ever pulled a Griswald meaning you pull travel to a park and find is closed only as you pull up to the

Gate um I’ve had that happen with some small Parks like there was a little park near uh what was it called zoomarine in Italy I want to go to just because they had a kitty coaster theme to a Doxon and it was right there so it wasn’t too far

Out the way but uh they were closed with no mention of anything uh I believe a few years ago I tried to go like this would have been like six years ago I tried to go to land to make believe because I was passing by it but uh they

Weren’t open because I misread the calendar but that’s that was on me uh John Feliciano what was your first upside down Thrill Ride uh Rock and roller coaster at Disney’s Hollywood Studios well MGM at the time uh Michigan coasters a more best scrambler installation uh at Atmos

Astrosphere at um Funtown USA because of the show elements like the laser show on that ride and the music’s fantastic Mavericks heartline rooll I just got an ad and interrupted the stream sorry sorry the ad popped up I don’t I can’t control where the ads are going because I’m on the stream right

Now I don’t know where YouTube and its all know and nature put those things so I’m really sorry if it came up in a bad spot Zam last time I visited Magic Mountain like half the rides were down most of our trip yeah I’ve heard that

Park well not just heard I know that Park’s operations are not the best and that’s really the thing that Park could could improve upon and make them a truly like top top Park Brandon s Kong one of the worst slc’s yes it is uh Mike met last question what’s your next Park visit

Plans um I’m G to be going to SoCal some point this um winter just because of how you know the parks around me are closed and flights are pretty reasonable this time of year to get out there uh Leo B how often do you run to subscribers at theme parks um I’d say

Maybe like I run to one per visit at a major Park but you know if you see me feel free to say hi and I’m happy to say hi back um you know if I’m with you know my friends or family I might not be able

You know to hang out or something but I’m happy to take a photo happy to have a quick conversation or something like that uh Coast Thunder do you think midnight flyer will get other New Hampshire family Parks like canab or Storyland do you mean will those Parks

Add new rides because of it um I think canaby really needs to add a like new signature coaster like to go with Yankee cball and Untamed I’ve heard rumors they were looking at something before they added the water park um a few years ago and I hope something comes in the future so

We’ll see what happens John ficano favorite movie of all time uh I absolutely love Raiders the Lost AR and um Last Crusade I love those Indiana Jones movies hello Ellis katman um Nicholas reading what coaster in your opinion is hated by too much Co by too many coaster enthusiasts so so I

Actually really like goodrick is a very forceful ride I don’t find it uncomfortable I don’t know if I’ve just been extremely lucky but I’ve read it multiple times across multiple visits and I’ve liked it every time uh Brandon s do you think Grizzly Great America is actually as bad as

People say not as bad as people say so it is a very poor layout but it’s not a truly like awful coaster because it’s not rough it’s actually pretty smooth uh Ryan Freeman is the new Boomerang a sixf great adventure a good choice lines will be horrible from a ride perspective

I think is a good choice the capacity suspect and I really don’t know how long that line is going to be in the summer hello Kobe wiggle uh Chris brandworthy Chris brandwood which new mock do you think will be better hypor or Voltron I’m leaning towards Voltron

Because of the theming but both rides look exceptional Oregon coaster Enthusiast how would you rank these four rmc’s while cats Revenge Wildfire Iron Rattler Twisted Colossus so of those two Twisted Colossus and Iron Rattler are neck and neck for the one or two spot um wild cats revenge in Wildfire then 34

Um yeah I’m not sure how i’ flip three four but basically those two those two are like clearly like in their own group if that makes sense else kman what coaster are you least anticipated for this year I mean there’s probably some random Kitty coaster that um

I’m not that’s completely off my radar so I’ll say one of those Mr Pro Bowl what’s your favorite element on Maverick at Cedar Point what’s your favorite element in i305 so on Maverick so I love a good first drop so I’m GNA have to say that in both those

Rides Leo B if you if you met Alan shul what question would you ask him first honestly if anything I’d just say thank you for all the contributions he’s had to the coaster community over the years uh John Feliciano what’s your favorite and least favorite pop radio

Song um so I typically listen to a lot of Theme Park music when I’m driving in the background but I more listen to like podcasts of sports rather than music when I’m driving around Brandon saying is the quad down lightning rod your favorite element of all time um so it’s

A little the one thing the the quad down I find a little hard to compare to other elements is it kind of feels like four airtime Hills in one so then it comes down a question do I count you know like four Air Time Hills on another ride

Versus the quad down but I will say the quad down is an an amazing sequence um so just a note I’m going to be wrapping up just because my voice is starting to go and I’ve been on an hour like I said so I’ll just get aot a final

Few questions I’m probably going to sign off but uh thank you again for everyone who joined this live stream and um you know I’m glad you enjoy the videos and there will be more so I’ll just get uh maybe five more questions and I’ll probably uh cut it off

Here uh Zam have you ever been to a park you expect to be super busy but was empty instead you visited knots this year um yeah like I’ve been a there was a time I went to knots when I landed off a plane at LAX I think it was like when

Was it it would have been winter a few years ago it was like a Friday night I was expecting the park to be busy and I arrived two hours before close all I wanted was to get a ride on Ghost Rider well the park was completely dead so I

Was able to actually do a whole Loop and get like five rides on Ghost Rider which is completely unexpected Nicholas reading favorite amusing park ride soundtrack um I love helix’s score at uh Lisa ber sorry Lisa Berry and I know people make fun of me how I say Lisa

Berry but um when I spoke to locals they the g at the end is silent so maybe I’m saying Berry a little too hard but I believe that’s how you do it um Michigan coasters and more what’s your favorite Eminem song not a big fan

Of his music so I really can’t pick one sorry VQ Kyle not a question but I want to thank you for the content yeah thank you for the kind words uh Mr Pro Bowl when are you going to make your video of your top 100 coasters of 2023 probably sometime in

March like I said at the beginning I want to try to get some top list through for like different parks and chains before I do the overall top 100 and it might be a top 50 we’ll see you know how much time I have but I’m G

To try to do a top 100 I might just have to break it up across like four videos but I’ll get a list Out Mr coaster swag what are your top five California coasters I think I said this at the start but uh Twisted Colossus and next

Two or one two uh then you have Ghost Rider Joker and railblazer in the three through five spot unless I’m forgetting a ride coaster guy I’ve never been an RMC uh because steel vengers was too long of a wait uh what is it like um so rmc’s

Have tons of quick and Powerful ejector air time uh Oregon coaster Enthusiast do you have any plans to rerank your top 50 Parks I might make a top 25 Park video um 25 through 26 through 50 is kind of hard to rank because those all can move around pretty easily depending upon like

If a a new ride’s added or something like that um basically for me it’s comes down if the list will be significantly different than when I last did it so I’ll see if it has changed enough to justify it um so yeah thanks again everyone for joining the chat um I said enjoy

Interacting with everyone enjoy making the videos and uh there’ll be way more so have a good day if you’re watching football enjoy all the games today thanks have a good day bye


  1. If you go on a Europe trip this year, would you be stopping by the UK? If so go to Flamingo Land because it is awesome there with great rides, fantastic zoo and some of the very best theme park food out there. Had a better day there than Alton Towers 🙂

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