
20231120 紅葉騎行之旅 – 十六分鐘濃縮版 (趕時間一族) English subtitle

2016 年開始,每年都想尋找紅葉嘅足跡,但年復年紅葉期不停向後退。
到到 2020 年,一切都要停頓了。

Since 2016, I began the chase of Red Leaves in Japan, but the period just kept pushing backward.
Up to year 2020, all things came to a complete stop…

00:00 Introduction
00:36 茶屋町站前 Chayamachi Ekimae
01:56 倉敷 Kurashiki
08:40 瀨户大橋 Seto Bridge
09:01 不洗觀音寺 Arawazukanon Temple
09:37 吉備津神社 Kibitsu Jinja (Sanbi Ichinomiya)
09:57 神户, 北野異人館, 摩耶山 Kobe, Kitano Ijinkan-Gai, Kikuseidai
10:17 鉄人 28 Gigantor Monument
11:11 明石海峽大橋, 姬路駅前 Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, Himeji Ekimae
12:27 姬路城 Himeji Castle
13:58 歲德神社, 瀨户大橋(宇多津)Yūtoku Inari Shrine, Seto Bridge (Utazu)

Soooo excited, it’s been more than 3 years and 8 months since my last visit to japan for my Red Leaves chasing project. That’s right, I am bringing my own bike this time, and it is a tri-fold type. This type of bike is easier for travelling, compared to my other bike (JXP).

Went smoothly from Takamatsu airport, then to Takamatsu JR station by bus, and to here, Chayamachi. Actually my destination is Kurashiki, so why the stop here, it is because if I go all the way by train, I would have to first go to Okayama, then get change to another line to Kurashiki.

So I thought, why not get off here and to ride to Kurashiki, it’s only 5.6km, not far at all, as it is getting dark now, so let’s get the bike out. Alright, the bike is ready, I have done some minor modification to this tri-fold bike for this trip, here

I don’t use the Litepro kick stand any more because that would stick out and could cause some damage when folded inside the bike bag, so I swapped it with a quick release stand instead.

I have just passed the Kurashiki area and will make a whole morning walk there tomorrow, so let’s head all the way to the south. The entire route is about 47km. As you see there are many people, who are going to school as well as going for work.

Cycling in Japan is so common, you would see them mostly go about by bike. The side walk is also built for this purpose.

Their bikes are almost the same, and are with large wheel sets though they all look quite primitive, but the large rim does have an advantage, that is the forward distance, definitely better than my 16″.

OK, time to climb hill road, however, this time, I am with my own bike, not a rental one, and it makes a BIG difference.

The best one I remembered was from the Giant shop at Imabari, cost around 4,000 yen a day, and it was for the trip to Kirosan from Imabari, and it only has 12 gears (front 2, rear 6). Mine one this time has 18 gears (front 2, rear 9).

When finished climbing, there will be down hill, and that may be worrying, as this bike is using C-brake, and as you might know, C-brake is not as good as disc-brake, so may be just to pay a little more attention to it, need to keep braking for lower speed.

There is a tunnel ahead, will show you when getting there. Finished climbing and it was easy, compared with the experience I had from previous trips.

SO here is one of my most favourite parts about Japan, and that is to ride a bike through a tunnel. Why would I need to pay for a rushing event when I can enjoy going through as many as I feel like it?

Most of these tunnels are big enough so you wouldn’t smell any gasoline and there is no need for ventilation fans on top. Downhill ahead, careful…..

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