
Wonder what you can do on a trip to Sapporo, Japan?!#sapporo #hokkaido #japan

Wonder what you can do on a trip to Sapporo, Japan?

Join me on a quick weekend trip to the capital of Hokkaido. Here I try highlighting some of the cool things you can do and see in the city, especially eat delicious local cuisines.

Hokkaido is known for fresh seafood as well as abundance of Lamb.

There’s so much more missing here, follow for more videos like this!

#sapporo #hokkaido #japan #solotravelttips #solotraveler #solotravel #food #seafood #sushi #bbq #soccer #hiking

Come join me on a weekend trip to sapoto hokido I took a quick 2-hour flight from Tokyo and the first thing I saw was the original clock tower blocks away is a Dory Park which stretches across the city and you can also see the TV tower the city also has several cable cards

That you can use to navigate around you have to visit the fish market really early otherwise you’ll wait really long lines I found a busy hole in a wall restaurant that served their famous uni dumi yum there’s also a famous lamb barbecue named after gangas Khan the

Restaurant was so good they even gave me an apron just to keep myself clean after several days of walking I think all this protein made it worth it if you love sports the sapoto doome was hosting the sapoto game versus yokohoma I paid around $10 to watch this

Game and I was surprised that was pretty empty but yoka fans were having a lit party if you like hiking hiking Mount MOA will get you a nice view of sapoto there’s the view I have so much more videos to highlight about this trip so follow And subscribe for more and stay

Tuned for the next video

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